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Mark Twain: The Great American Aficionado

We all know?Samuel Clemens (aka Mark Twain) for his famous novel??The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," which has been widely known as ?The Great American Novel?. But what?you might not know is that?Twain was also an extreme cigar enthusiast. His love affair began when he was only 8 years old when he smoked ?immoderately?-- meaning 100 cigars a month. Where he lived in Missouri, tobacco grew abunda...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Cars and Cigars: A Match Made in Heaven

Are you tired of that new car smell? Or maybe you just prefer the smell of a smooth cigar or the feel of a cigar between your hand and the wheel. Either way, you?re in luck. Here are six luxury cars that pair extremely well with your cigar. 1. Cadillac CTS The engineer of this delicate car, Randall Shwarz even states that this car ?tends more towards art than science?, a design that riva...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

3 American Authors Who Loved Smoking Cigars

Exceeding in popularity and fame, the best authors demonstrate remarkable technique in work that persists through time. Whether masters of language and style or philosophy and observation, mankind?s most reveled writers combine experience with knowledge to produce work that we cannot imagine life without. But the road to successful authorship is difficult and personal. No two people have done i...

Posted On: 05/09/2018