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A Little Piece of Cigar History

In September of 1988, Hurricane Mitch hit Jamaica, destroying much of the land.? A devasting natural disaster, the hurricane nearly whiped out Jamaica's entire cigar industry, with the demolition of Royal Jamaican Cigars' land.? Royal Jamaican Cigars, the only cigar with Jamaican tobacco sold in the United States, lost 30 to 40 acres of tobacco during the hurricane.? After the hurricane hit, it wa...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

A Brief History Lesson

The history behind cigars is one that dates back as far as the 10th century. Ancient ceramic pots discovered in Guatemala prove that Mayans were among the first people to smoke tobacco leaves, which used to be tied together with string and called ?sikar?. Later on in 1492 when Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas he saw the natives of the land smoking tobacco leaves that were twisted into ...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

The Case for Customization

Custom Tobacco has a wide range of customizable cigars by taste, size, and design. Depending on the cigar you choose, binder, filler, and wrappers are sourced from Nicaragua, Cameron, and the Dominican Republic. For a unique treat, the Briarmont Blend is the closest thing you can have to a Cuban Cigar, as it comes from Cuban tobacco seeds grown in Nicaragua. While our special blends may appeal ...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

We're Close

Since the beginning of his presidency in 2008, there seemed to be a sliver of hope that Obama might reduce or even end restrictions on trade with Cuba, significantly opening up, after just over a half-century of official embargo, the market for, yes, what seems to be the only thing people care about when they talk about the Cuban trade embargo: cigars. Oh my. It seems the first president...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Knowing Your Cigar

Do you ever wonder about the taste of a Cigar? Being uninformed can have you spending too much money on one that you may not even like. Here's a quick background: Cigars are mainly, but not solely, manufactured in South and Central America. A lot of the worlds leading brands and cigar types are from Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic. Each country's cigar production has its ...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

What's the Deal with Cuban Cigars?

Despite the opinions of many expert cigar aficionados and rollers who say that the quality of Cuban cigars has waned over the years, people still crave those forbidden stogies. Regardless of individual opinions on the quality of Cubans ? because, let?s be honest, an opinion is an opinion for a reason ? we have been getting a lot of questions over the last several months from our customers and frie...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Are Cuban Cigars Really Better?

Cuban cigars are often touted as the finest cigars in the world. That?s because our Caribbean neighbor to the South has a rich history of cigar making, as well as some of the most ideal climate and soil conditions for premium tobacco farming. But are Cuban cigars really that much better than the rest? The answer is a little more complicated than ?si? or ?no.? The truth is, Cuban cigars generall...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Linguistic History of the Word 'Cigar' and its Slang

Ever wonder where the word cigar came from? It's linguistic origin reveals a rich history of the word. There are two competing theories about where the word?cigar?comes from. One is that it's from the Spanish?cigarro whereas other linguists claim it's from the Mayan word?sikar.? Since?its introduction to the English language, cigar remains?a popular term for the wrapped tobacco leaf.?However, m...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Nicaragua is the New Cuba: Why Cigars Their Cigars are Better

Everyone knows Cuba as the cigar capital. However, the political situation in Cuba left the country behind on the tobacco industry. This allowed tobacco industries in other countries to flourish by improving cigar production and technology. While Cubans still have brand recognition, true cigar aficionados recognize Nicaragua as the dominant tobacco-producing country.? Welcome to Nicaragua Nicara...

Posted On: 05/09/2018