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Back to Basics: How to Smoke a Cigar Like a Master

If you think that all you have to do to ooze out an air of class while smoking a cigar is inhale (which should not be done) and exhale, don?t even think about going near a cigar before reading this! Cigar smoking is definitely a culture in itself, and in order to appear Al Pacino-like, you must know how to cut a cigar, light it and of course, smoke it. When investing in a cigar, either from ...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

A Little Taste of History

Surpassing his liking for his silver goblet, Carolina rocker, and his personalized?coffee mug, President John F Kennedy is a recognized cherisher of Cuban cigars. This?is why hours before he authorized the U.S. trade embargo making his prized cigars?illegal, he tasked his head of press to procure every box of his favorite Petit Upmann?before the export was deemed contraband. Being a fellow ciga...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Are Cuban Cigars Really Better?

Cuban cigars are often touted as the finest cigars in the world. That?s because our Caribbean neighbor to the South has a rich history of cigar making, as well as some of the most ideal climate and soil conditions for premium tobacco farming. But are Cuban cigars really that much better than the rest? The answer is a little more complicated than ?si? or ?no.? The truth is, Cuban cigars generall...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

5 Major League Baseball Players Who Smoked Cigars

Just as some of Major League Baseball?s finest have incorporated chewing tobacco into their daily routines, so have they smoked cigars. Here are five of Major League Baseball?s most talented athletes ? men who have spent their entire lives crushing the baseball ? who never shied away from enjoying a quality stogie. Lou Gehrig With an incredibly impressive baseball resume, Lou Gehrig captured...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Cuba Relations in the Wake of Trump's Policies

Trump has been active and vocal of his dislike for Obama's policies throughout his campaign and presidency. So it's no surprise that he's "canceling" Obama's deal with Cuba. He announced this plan in Miami's Little Havana district on Friday, June 16. Citing Cuba's violations of human rights as the reason for this, he no longer wants to support the Cuban government in any way. His goal with this ne...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Cuban Culture in the United States

Cuban American culture can be seen in many aspects of American life. Whether it is their delicious food, cigars or contributions to music, Cuban Americans have managed to integrate into American society while sharing some of their vibrant culture with people of different backgrounds. Cuban Migration Cuban immigration largely depends on the political climate in Cuba. Since Cuba is relativ...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

How to Keep it Classy with the Boys

Are you tired of only seeing your guy friends when there?s a football game? Do you long for new classy experiences with the men you choose to spend your time with? Before you crack open a cold one, read these tips to widen your horizon. Throw some meat on the grill There?s nothing like chatting up a storm with your friends as you smell the delicious meal you?re about to eat. You can sa...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

5 Things You Probably Didn?t Know about JFK

He installed a secret surveillance system in the White House Some people think he installed this system to get inspiration for his future memoir, but it was able to capture many historic conversations such as the discussions he had with his staff about the Cuban Missile Crisis.   He was dreading running against Mitt Romney?s father   He told a friend in 1963 that he ...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Nicaragua is the New Cuba: Why Cigars Their Cigars are Better

Everyone knows Cuba as the cigar capital. However, the political situation in Cuba left the country behind on the tobacco industry. This allowed tobacco industries in other countries to flourish by improving cigar production and technology. While Cubans still have brand recognition, true cigar aficionados recognize Nicaragua as the dominant tobacco-producing country.? Welcome to Nicaragua Nicara...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Super Bowl Sunday Cigars

Super Bowl Sunday is fast approaching and to make it the best it could possibly be you need to make sure you have the ever essential three Cs: Chips, Chicks, and Cigars.? While chips are an easy find and hopefully you don?t have too much trouble in the chicks department (can?t help you much there?or can we?), cigars are another story.? You can?t just smoke any cigar?I mean it?s not just any occasi...

Posted On: 05/09/2018