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The Secret Networking Weapon

The clock strikes midnight. You?ve got a margarita in your left hand and a clammy co-worker palm in the other, all while you?re uncomfortably wondering if your wife will chew you out the next morning for ?partying? at this ungodly hour. Yes, this is one of those infamous company get-togethers ? you know, the one you?re forced to attend so you don?t look like the office introvert, then end up sheep...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

What to Get Your Man for Valentine's Day

When it comes to Valentine?s Day, the perfect gift seems obvious.? You get that little teal box wrapped in a silver bow and you?re ready to go?perfection, right?? Wrong. What most people tend to forget is that Valentine?s Day isn?t just for women. Relationships work both ways and so do the gifts for Valentine?s Day. But before you freak out, take a deep breath and realize that your fairy godmot...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

How to Throw the Perfect Cigar Party

What?s better than a night with your two favorite things: your buddies and cigars.? A cigar party is a great way to relax with your friends, enjoy smoking fine quality cigars, and at the same time stay within an affordable budget. Hosting a successful party depends on having a great theme, and a cigar themed party is one that everyone can enjoy.? Some of the great things of having cigars as the...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

The New Craze: Flavored Cigars

Mojito Rum, Vanilla Macademia, Cr?me Brulee, Mocha Latte, Cherry Jubilee.? This isn?t a list of ice cream flavors.? This is a list of only a few of the many flavors of cigars. Popularity of flavored cigars has soared in the past few years, especially with those under the age of 35. Sales of cigars has increased from 6 to 13 billion in the last few years, with flavored cigars as a large, driving...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

What Your Cigar Holding Technique Says About You

If you want to figure out someone?s personality before even talking to them, look at how they hold a cigar.? There are many different ways to hold a cigar, and all of them represent a cigar smoker?s personality, whether it?s their confidence level or competence in talking to a crowd. Wondering how you come off when you?re enjoying a smoke?? Here are 6 common ways people hold cigars and what it ...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

50th Birthday Party Ideas: Throw Dad the Best Birthday He's Ever Had

It?s your dad?s 50th birthday party and you don't know what to get him. You decide that for all of the grief you?ve given him over the years, all the times he bailed you out of difficult situations (or jail), you?re going to throw him the ultimate birthday bash. Where to start? Here are some ideas that should set that 50th birthday party in motion. Food?- Start with the essentials and go fr...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Custom Gifts: It's Trending This Holiday Season

The holiday season has crept up on us. Take a deep breath before the anxiety kicks in when the the ?G? word comes up. Gifts. Gifts. And more gifts. It?s no secret that it?s a mission to to find the perfect gift for your loved ones every year ? especially for that special someone whose been in your life for many years. What do you get for the person who has everything? How do you top the creativ...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

The Gift of Cigars: A History

You don?t have to be a habitual cigar smoker to enjoy the complex flavors of a good cigar on special occasions. In light of all the chaos and excitement that is inevitable for any celebration, it is nice to take a step back and relax. It is not surprising then that cigars are the perfect gift for your friends and family members who deserve to unwind on any special occasion. Typical occasions w...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Cigars And Their Size: How Important Is the Size of Your Cigar?

Does?It Really Matter? Although most guys don't like to hear it, size really does matter. When it comes to cigars, size says a lot about your personality. Depending on the length and ring size of your cigar, it?can really put your personality on display. So, you're probably thinking, "what is the best cigar for me?" There are many different types of cigars, and?many?different cigar sizes tha...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Commuting Sucks, But Only Because You're Doing It Wrong

Why Commuting Sucks You know what commuting is like. It sucks! You can't honestly say that you would rather commute for 1-2 hours a day, or longer, instead of walking or riding your bike a couples of blocks down to the office. If everyone could have that luxury, then why would they opt to do otherwise? Maybe some people do like to commute, but who really likes dealing with bad drivers, heavy...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Are Cuban Cigars Still Illegal?

You'll often hear about the infamous Cuban Cigar. A classic in old mafia movies and an iconic part of A-list celebrity culture back in the day. We know they?haven't?been around for a while, but what happened to them? February 1962. The then president JFK created a trade embargo against Communist Cuba to sanction Fidel Castro's regime. At the the Fidel had taken control of the the island of Cuba...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

What's the Deal with Cuban Cigars?

Despite the opinions of many expert cigar aficionados and rollers who say that the quality of Cuban cigars has waned over the years, people still crave those forbidden stogies. Regardless of individual opinions on the quality of Cubans ? because, let?s be honest, an opinion is an opinion for a reason ? we have been getting a lot of questions over the last several months from our customers and frie...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Are Cuban Cigars Really Better?

Cuban cigars are often touted as the finest cigars in the world. That?s because our Caribbean neighbor to the South has a rich history of cigar making, as well as some of the most ideal climate and soil conditions for premium tobacco farming. But are Cuban cigars really that much better than the rest? The answer is a little more complicated than ?si? or ?no.? The truth is, Cuban cigars generall...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

An American Story: Cuban Cigars

Cuban cigars are world-renowned, but why is there a limited quantity of them in the United States? Here's a quick history lesson on United States-Cuban relations and its impact on Cuban cigars: As you are traversing through the cigar culture, you will often find yourself encounter the country of Cuba. This is especially the case when it comes to cigars or any tobacco products from that specific...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Cuban Culture in the United States

Cuban American culture can be seen in many aspects of American life. Whether it is their delicious food, cigars or contributions to music, Cuban Americans have managed to integrate into American society while sharing some of their vibrant culture with people of different backgrounds. Cuban Migration Cuban immigration largely depends on the political climate in Cuba. Since Cuba is relativ...

Posted On: 05/09/2018