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Smoking Music! 5 Songs About Cigars!

There?s a musical quality to the bouquet of a cigar drifting around the room. In fact, music is a great way to compliment a fine cigar. Here are the top 5 greatest cigar songs to smoke to. 1. Brad Paisley - ?The Cigar Song? What if there were a loophole to getting fine cuban cigars for free? This little ditty is called ?The Cigar Song.? And it?s about a man who smokes the system. Firs...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Cigars and Golf: Tips to Fit in on the Golf Course

Cigars and golf go together like bread and butter, steak and potatoes. They are a perfect pairing during a competitive meeting on the course with some buddies, or during a lazy Sunday at the range. With anti-smoking laws prohibit many places to light up in public, the golf course is one of those rare places where it is okay to spark up and enjoy your favorite cigar. Golfing is already a great g...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

4 Gifts to Win Your Husband Over

Weddings can be very excited on one hand, and very stressful on the other. While the bride and groom are responsible for planning every little thing about the event, sometimes they are too wrapped up in the emotions to think about gifts for their significant other. Here are 4 unique and clever wedding gifts your husband will love: Liquid Propane Grill: Nothing says marriage like grilling ...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Valentine?s Day: 7 Sweet Ideas for Him

Beer Tasting for Two at your local brewery. If your other half is an avid connoisseur of different local beers, a trip to the brewery is in order. If it just so happens that your man is always the one to order the same beer, going to the brewery may broaden his horizons, as he will be more open to trying other things. Ordering a flight is a quick way to have a good time and introduce your company...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

2016 Got You Down? Enter 2017 With a Premium Cigar

Let?s be honest, 2016 wasn?t the greatest. Thankfully however, New Years Day is right around the corner and it couldn?t be a more perfect time to light up your smoke. A box of our premium custom cigars can compliment your New Year?s Party like nothing else. A New Year?s party usually has one main staple: Champagne. What most people don?t know, is that a glass of bubbly mixed with a premium s...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

How to Create the Perfect Cigar Station for Your Wedding

Congratulations! You?re engaged and now you?ve begun planning what will hopefully be the best day of your lives! We?re sure you?ve been to a few weddings, or, at the very least, have been doing massive research to make sure your day is not only the best day for you, but the best day for your guests as well. Every newlywed wants their wedding and wedding reception to be special, unique, and unforge...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

5 Things Your Man?s Cigar Preferences Say About Him

If your man prefers a Dominican Cigar? Your man prefers a milder, versatile cigar, which bespeaks a calm and comfortable character. He?s a little quiet and understated, but it?s just a part of his peaceful demeanor, and once he gets to know someone he really breaks out of his shell. He goes with the flow and is comfortable in many different kinds of settings, letting you pick the restaurant or mo...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Five Unique Customized Gifts

Whether it?s this Valentine?s Day, an anniversary, bachelor/bachelorette party, or any kind of celebratory occasion that?s coming up in the near future. Creating a handmade card is always more personal than buying one. Similarly, when you customize an obvious gift item rather than buying it off the shelf, it shows that you truly care. Introducing some of the coolest customized gifts that you have ...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

The Mafia and Cigars

Gone are the days of the jazz lounge where you would walk in and be bombarded with the sweet, spicy smell of cigar smoke. Obviously for health reasons, smoking is not allowed in really any public place anymore however, cigar smoking in general has lost some of its essence and appeal to most of society over the last few decades. When you think about or see someone smoking a cigar, what type of char...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Galentine's Day: Spending Valentine's Day with Your Girls

Valentine?s Day is quickly approaching, and whether you?re in a committed relationship, just started dating someone, or are single and ready to mingle, throw those basic Valentine?s Day traditions out the window and try something new this year. It?s called Galentine?s Day. Instead of moping around wishing you had a significant other, or out trying to get a date, get a couple girls together and go ...

Posted On: 05/09/2018