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The 5 Most Badass Cigar Smokers in Film & TV

Fact: Cigars make people look cool. Just look at Hollywood. From Casablanca to Inglourious Basterds, cigar smoking has given actors a tool for making pretty much anything look badass. Chomp down on a stogie as we cover the top 5 most Hollywood cigar smokers. (Just remember, in real life biting down on a cigar for too long isn?t actually the best way to smoke it). 5. James Gandolfini - The So...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Smoke Like a Pro: Common Mistakes Cigar Smokers Make

Smoking a cigar is one of life?s little pleasures. And like anything pleasurable, the better it?s done, the better it feels--and the more you want to do it. But there are plenty of mistakes to be made along the way. Here are some cigar smoking tips for having an amazing experience every time. Biting your cigar Holding a cigar in your mouth might look cool, but it?s not the best way to en...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Smoke Like a Pro: How to Choose a Cigar

What seems like the simplest aspect of smoking--picking out a cigar--can actually be a little complicated. With so many cigar shapes, sizes, blends, and wrappers, knowing what to look for makes it easier to choose a smoke that suits your tastes. Body The body of a cigar refers to the effects it has on the taste and touch receptors in your nostrils and mouth. Cigar bodies generally range from...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Best Cigars for Celebrating A Newborn Baby

July, August, and September are the most popular months to have a baby. Why? In all likelihood, it?s because people, ahem, cuddle up more during the winter months. Nine months later, they have a reason to light up a fine cigar. A Family Tradition Celebrating a newborn with a new cigar is an age-old American tradition. It?s believed that back in time, when births took place at home, a soon-to-b...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Smoke Like a Pro: How to Properly Relight Your Cigar

Ever wonder what happens when your cigar goes out? Well, if it?s extinguished for too long, the oils that make your tobacco flavorful will dry up. If you have a finely made cigar, one that wasn?t subjected to over-humidification or exposure to excessive dryness at the manufacturer, it might still retain some of its oils even after extinguishing. If it?s a cheap cigar, what remains of it will be...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Are Cuban Cigars Really Better?

Cuban cigars are often touted as the finest cigars in the world. That?s because our Caribbean neighbor to the South has a rich history of cigar making, as well as some of the most ideal climate and soil conditions for premium tobacco farming. But are Cuban cigars really that much better than the rest? The answer is a little more complicated than ?si? or ?no.? The truth is, Cuban cigars generall...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

A Piece of History: Why Winston Churchill Has A Cigar Named After Him

There are plenty of figures from history known for their cigar smoking. But few besides British Prime Minister Winston Churchill have had a cigar style actually named after them. That?s because when it came to the frequent and enthusiastic smoking of cigars, none matched Churchill?s pace and passion. From Cuba, With Love Ever since falling in love with Cuban cigars during a trip to Havana, C...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Cigars 101: All About Maduro Cigar Wrappers

Did you know cigar wrappers play an important role in a cigar?s flavor and character? Up to 90% of a cigar?s taste can depend on its wrapper. Between habano, corojo, connecticut and more, it?s good to know what each wrapper offers so you can choose the ideal smoking experience for you. To start, let?s go over the dark and delicious Maduro cigar wrapper. What Gives Maduros That Dark Look? ...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Smoke like a Pro: How to Store Cigars without a Humidor

Storing cigars is essential to preserving their quality. For a cigar to retain its ideal flavor, strength, and body, it should be not too damp, not too dry. That?s because damp cigars are difficult to light, and dry cigars burn too hot. Both of these scenarios will also negatively affect how the tobacco flavor tastes and how easy it is to smoke. Since cigars will dry out in a dryer environment ...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Cigar Legend Carlos Fuente Sr. Passes Away at 81

The cigar industry has lost one of its icons with the passing of Carlos Fuente Sr., former president of Tampa?s Arturo Fuente Cigar, Co., one of the biggest hand-made cigar businesses operating today. Over the course of many decades, Fuentes led the company to worldwide acclaim after taking over for his father Arturo Fuentes in 1958. Business began picking up after the 1960s embargo on Cuba, wh...

Posted On: 05/09/2018