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Presidential Cigars

Cigars are a White House tradition stemming back to the earliest days of the country. In fact Andrew Jackson, the seventh president, was such a fan of tobacco he had brass spittoons added throughout the White House. Jackson and his wife made cigar smoking a family affair as the two would sit outside or by a fire and smoke together. Cigars were the overall choice of presidents, when it came to enjo...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

The New Craze: Flavored Cigars

Mojito Rum, Vanilla Macademia, Cr?me Brulee, Mocha Latte, Cherry Jubilee.? This isn?t a list of ice cream flavors.? This is a list of only a few of the many flavors of cigars. Popularity of flavored cigars has soared in the past few years, especially with those under the age of 35. Sales of cigars has increased from 6 to 13 billion in the last few years, with flavored cigars as a large, driving...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

What flavor would Flava Flav smoke?

What would these top 5 rappers cigar flavor of choice be? 1. DRAKE This Young Money rapper would likely opt for Vanilla Macadamia, because of its?rich, delicious and well, YOLO. 2. NICKI MINAJ This female rap queen would likely smoke a?honey maple cigar because she?s girly but tough. 3. EMINEM This tougher-than-nails rapper is intimidating enough to deem him the only?artist o...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Cuba Relations in the Wake of Trump's Policies

Trump has been active and vocal of his dislike for Obama's policies throughout his campaign and presidency. So it's no surprise that he's "canceling" Obama's deal with Cuba. He announced this plan in Miami's Little Havana district on Friday, June 16. Citing Cuba's violations of human rights as the reason for this, he no longer wants to support the Cuban government in any way. His goal with this ne...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Cigars on the Golf Course

There are several necessities on the golf course. All of these things are essential to a golfer who wants to look and act like a pro. Keeping up on the latest trends in golf helps you go out and compete with confidence. One of the most important accessories to bring along with you is a cigar. They are perfect to enjoy while waiting for the group in front of you or while taking in the relaxing atmo...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Cigars and Golf: Tips to Fit in on the Golf Course

Cigars and golf go together like bread and butter, steak and potatoes. They are a perfect pairing during a competitive meeting on the course with some buddies, or during a lazy Sunday at the range. With anti-smoking laws prohibit many places to light up in public, the golf course is one of those rare places where it is okay to spark up and enjoy your favorite cigar. Golfing is already a great g...

Posted On: 05/09/2018