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Presidential Cigars

Cigars are a White House tradition stemming back to the earliest days of the country. In fact Andrew Jackson, the seventh president, was such a fan of tobacco he had brass spittoons added throughout the White House. Jackson and his wife made cigar smoking a family affair as the two would sit outside or by a fire and smoke together. Cigars were the overall choice of presidents, when it came to enjo...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

The Eminent Need for Specialty Cigars at Your Country Club

When you, the ladies, and the fellas are drinking Merlot and Stella, there is no reason why you shouldn't also have a Stogie Joe perched between your lips. Stogie, cigar, puff machine, or whatever you call it, is something that signifies class, relaxation, and good times. When you're?out and about at your country club having a fantastic and relaxing time playing golf, participating in casino night...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Cuba Relations in the Wake of Trump's Policies

Trump has been active and vocal of his dislike for Obama's policies throughout his campaign and presidency. So it's no surprise that he's "canceling" Obama's deal with Cuba. He announced this plan in Miami's Little Havana district on Friday, June 16. Citing Cuba's violations of human rights as the reason for this, he no longer wants to support the Cuban government in any way. His goal with this ne...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Vegas Activities for Non-Gamblers (Day & Night)

The slot machines may be calling you but here are some ideas that will keep you from betting it all.   [caption id="attachment_1884" align="alignleft" width="300"] Eiffel Tower Restaurant[/caption] Walk the Las Vegas Strip: You will need some great walking shoes but walking the Strip is a great way to kill time before evening festivities. You can shop for apparel and buy unique gifts and...

Posted On: 05/09/2018