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The Secret Networking Weapon

The clock strikes midnight. You?ve got a margarita in your left hand and a clammy co-worker palm in the other, all while you?re uncomfortably wondering if your wife will chew you out the next morning for ?partying? at this ungodly hour. Yes, this is one of those infamous company get-togethers ? you know, the one you?re forced to attend so you don?t look like the office introvert, then end up sheep...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Smoke Like a Pro: How to Choose a Cigar

What seems like the simplest aspect of smoking--picking out a cigar--can actually be a little complicated. With so many cigar shapes, sizes, blends, and wrappers, knowing what to look for makes it easier to choose a smoke that suits your tastes. Body The body of a cigar refers to the effects it has on the taste and touch receptors in your nostrils and mouth. Cigar bodies generally range from...

Posted On: 05/09/2018