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The Science of Cigar-Drink Pairings

Whether it is a scotch, whiskey, coffee, or even a Dr. Pepper, it is customary to pair your cigar with a drink. ?Your beverage of choice, whatever it may be, is crucial to bringing out certain desired flavors from your cigar. There are four main identifiable tastes: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. ?These tastes can vary greatly depending on what they are paired with because the different tastes...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

How to Craft a Coolidor

Want to take your hobby to greater heights? Make a ?Coolidor,? a humidor made out of a cooler. It takes about half the time of smoking a really good cigar (a.k.a. 30 minutes.)? Given a cooler?s airtight seal and humidity lock, it is perfect for holding your next batch of stogies. If you were to have a humidor the size of a cooler, you?d be out $500, but the average cooler only costs about $...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

50th Birthday Party Ideas: Throw Dad the Best Birthday He's Ever Had

It?s your dad?s 50th birthday party and you don't know what to get him. You decide that for all of the grief you?ve given him over the years, all the times he bailed you out of difficult situations (or jail), you?re going to throw him the ultimate birthday bash. Where to start? Here are some ideas that should set that 50th birthday party in motion. Food?- Start with the essentials and go fr...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Smoke Like a Pro: Common Mistakes Cigar Smokers Make

Smoking a cigar is one of life?s little pleasures. And like anything pleasurable, the better it?s done, the better it feels--and the more you want to do it. But there are plenty of mistakes to be made along the way. Here are some cigar smoking tips for having an amazing experience every time. Biting your cigar Holding a cigar in your mouth might look cool, but it?s not the best way to en...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Are Cuban Cigars Really Better?

Cuban cigars are often touted as the finest cigars in the world. That?s because our Caribbean neighbor to the South has a rich history of cigar making, as well as some of the most ideal climate and soil conditions for premium tobacco farming. But are Cuban cigars really that much better than the rest? The answer is a little more complicated than ?si? or ?no.? The truth is, Cuban cigars generall...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

A Piece of History: Why Winston Churchill Has A Cigar Named After Him

There are plenty of figures from history known for their cigar smoking. But few besides British Prime Minister Winston Churchill have had a cigar style actually named after them. That?s because when it came to the frequent and enthusiastic smoking of cigars, none matched Churchill?s pace and passion. From Cuba, With Love Ever since falling in love with Cuban cigars during a trip to Havana, C...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Cigar Legend Carlos Fuente Sr. Passes Away at 81

The cigar industry has lost one of its icons with the passing of Carlos Fuente Sr., former president of Tampa?s Arturo Fuente Cigar, Co., one of the biggest hand-made cigar businesses operating today. Over the course of many decades, Fuentes led the company to worldwide acclaim after taking over for his father Arturo Fuentes in 1958. Business began picking up after the 1960s embargo on Cuba, wh...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Cigars and Golf: Tips to Fit in on the Golf Course

Cigars and golf go together like bread and butter, steak and potatoes. They are a perfect pairing during a competitive meeting on the course with some buddies, or during a lazy Sunday at the range. With anti-smoking laws prohibit many places to light up in public, the golf course is one of those rare places where it is okay to spark up and enjoy your favorite cigar. Golfing is already a great g...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

How to Create the Perfect Cigar Station for Your Wedding

Congratulations! You?re engaged and now you?ve begun planning what will hopefully be the best day of your lives! We?re sure you?ve been to a few weddings, or, at the very least, have been doing massive research to make sure your day is not only the best day for you, but the best day for your guests as well. Every newlywed wants their wedding and wedding reception to be special, unique, and unforge...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Five Unique Customized Gifts

Whether it?s this Valentine?s Day, an anniversary, bachelor/bachelorette party, or any kind of celebratory occasion that?s coming up in the near future. Creating a handmade card is always more personal than buying one. Similarly, when you customize an obvious gift item rather than buying it off the shelf, it shows that you truly care. Introducing some of the coolest customized gifts that you have ...

Posted On: 05/09/2018