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Cigars & Weddings

Cigars symbolize celebration. ?They allow people to celebrate monumental and joyous occasions in a relaxing fashion. ?What can be more monumental than a wedding? ?The coming together of two families to make one marks a major life event. ?Cigars are the perfect give away?for ?and are usually enjoyed leisurely and among others. This sets them up nicely to be great for events such as weddings. The...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Why Every Woman Needs to Smoke a Cigar on Her Wedding Day

You?re a rule breaker. You don't go by the book; no one can tell you what to do. You?re unconventional and you like it that way. Think about your wedding day. Whether it already happened or it?s something that is going to take place so far into the future that it doesn't even feel like it is ever really going to take place, the concept of ?your wedding day? still exists. You?ve spent time trying ...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

4 Gifts to Win Your Husband Over

Weddings can be very excited on one hand, and very stressful on the other. While the bride and groom are responsible for planning every little thing about the event, sometimes they are too wrapped up in the emotions to think about gifts for their significant other. Here are 4 unique and clever wedding gifts your husband will love: Liquid Propane Grill: Nothing says marriage like grilling ...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

How to Create the Perfect Cigar Station for Your Wedding

Congratulations! You?re engaged and now you?ve begun planning what will hopefully be the best day of your lives! We?re sure you?ve been to a few weddings, or, at the very least, have been doing massive research to make sure your day is not only the best day for you, but the best day for your guests as well. Every newlywed wants their wedding and wedding reception to be special, unique, and unforge...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

How to Incorporate Personalized Cigars into Your Wedding Festivities

With the sun creeping out, the flowers blooming, and Spring around the corner, the most romantic time is upon us: wedding season. While planning a wedding can get hectic and overwhelming at times, it?s always important to remember the core purpose of this grandiose celebration: you are starting a new life with your partner; a life full of love, excitement, and fun! So make sure not to let that...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Tobacco and Cigars: 10 Facts You Probably Didn't Already Know

When it comes to tobacco and cigars, there tends to be a lot of misconceptions about them. Here are 10 fun facts you probably don't already know about cigars. 1. Retired professional basketball player, Michael Jordan, smokes cigars. 2. Cigars probably did not originate in Cuba, but Guatemala. 3. People have been smoking cigars for over a thousand years! A Mayan pot that archaeologists d...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

A Clich? Gift For Your Clich? Father: Unique Father's Day Gifts

Father's Day It's that time of the year again. Time to celebrate Father's Day. We all know that fathers come in different shapes and sizes. There are tall dads, short dads, skinny dads, fat dads, and we love them all the same. Different types of dads, however, means different types of gifts to buy. One size does not fit all. With all the Father's Day gift options most people get overwhelmed, w...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Commuting Sucks, But Only Because You're Doing It Wrong

Why Commuting Sucks You know what commuting is like. It sucks! You can't honestly say that you would rather commute for 1-2 hours a day, or longer, instead of walking or riding your bike a couples of blocks down to the office. If everyone could have that luxury, then why would they opt to do otherwise? Maybe some people do like to commute, but who really likes dealing with bad drivers, heavy...

Posted On: 05/09/2018