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Why You Should Date a Woman Who Smokes Cigars

Let?s face it: if a woman loves to smoke cigars, she obviously has good taste. Many women turn away from cigars because they see it as a nasty habit. But cigar babes know that cigars require a much more refined taste. They appreciate the different tastes and smells that come from cigars. If she can pick out the different tastes in a cigar, she?s a keeper. And she?s obviously open-minded. There a...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

A Classic Look

This question has probably popped into many a man?s mind: ?How can I look my best while I smoke a cigar?? Of course, there?s no one way to answer this question, but follow these next few tips, and you?ll be lighting up a stogie in style anywhere. Have a good suit?So many men make the mistake of buying a suit off the rack without any alterations. If you want to dress like a true man, take your s...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Mark Twain: The Great American Aficionado

We all know?Samuel Clemens (aka Mark Twain) for his famous novel??The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," which has been widely known as ?The Great American Novel?. But what?you might not know is that?Twain was also an extreme cigar enthusiast. His love affair began when he was only 8 years old when he smoked ?immoderately?-- meaning 100 cigars a month. Where he lived in Missouri, tobacco grew abunda...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Cars and Cigars: A Match Made in Heaven

Are you tired of that new car smell? Or maybe you just prefer the smell of a smooth cigar or the feel of a cigar between your hand and the wheel. Either way, you?re in luck. Here are six luxury cars that pair extremely well with your cigar. 1. Cadillac CTS The engineer of this delicate car, Randall Shwarz even states that this car ?tends more towards art than science?, a design that riva...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Vintage Cigar Ads

1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s    ...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

How to Host Smokers

Don?t follow the crowd Smoking cigars is an intimate activity: Not everyone has to know each other, but make sure not to invite more than 8 or 9 guests. Liquid Courage.? Make sure to have whiskey, scotch and/or beer readily available.? Got any snacks? ?Although not necessary, a few crackers and cheese are always welcomed and embraced by smokers. Tunage.? Music is key. Make sure to stick t...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Top 10 Cigar Men From Film & TV

Who doesn?t love a good cigar? Especially a fine cigar from Custom Tobacco, there is absolutely nothing better than lighting up a stogie with a glass of your favorite poison, and sitting back and relaxing. Whether I?m chilling on the deck on a nice summer night, or kicking back with friends at my local cigar club, it feels great to be a manly-man with cigar in hand, or if you?re a former president...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

50th Birthday Party Ideas: Throw Dad the Best Birthday He's Ever Had

It?s your dad?s 50th birthday party and you don't know what to get him. You decide that for all of the grief you?ve given him over the years, all the times he bailed you out of difficult situations (or jail), you?re going to throw him the ultimate birthday bash. Where to start? Here are some ideas that should set that 50th birthday party in motion. Food?- Start with the essentials and go fr...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Having a Cigar With Your Boss? Don't Sweat It

You just closed your first deal, settled a case, or made a big sale. Now it?s time to celebrate. Your boss invites you into his office where various executives are lined up, cigars in hand to mark the occasion. They begin to light up until it?s your turn to join in. There?s just one problem- you?re like a deer in the headlights. In The Business Insider Michael Herklotz, the Executive Director of N...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Where it's Inappropriate to Not Smoke a Cigar

Just like indulging in a nice glass of whiskey, you can?t just light up a cigar anywhere. It has to be in the right ambiance, and with most public places being smoke-free, cigar smokers sometimes have to get creative. An emblem of festivities, a symbol of relaxation and an overall sign of a good day, there are inappropriate places to smoke a cigar; however, there are places where it?s inappropria...

Posted On: 05/09/2018