Put this in your mouth, and he?ll never leave you.
Smoking cigars takes the whole ?wearing his favorite team?s jersey in a cute way? to?a new level of attraction.
The difference being that football jerseys are worn on live television, while smoking?a cigar is a sultry, secretive deed done in a devilish environment. Therefore, by?associating yourself with his exclusive private life, you gain the air of a mistress ??without actually being a home wrecker.

Also, smoking a cigar with him is the perfect cocktail of his two favorite things: A?rich, relaxing soothing activity combined with his favorite girl. It?s straight fantasy.
Additionally, it reverts back to the ?Lady in the streets but a freak in the sheets??mantra: It?s the perfect balance of bad girl and nice girl and just the right amount of?rebellious. The sheer shock value of it will get his blood flowing for an unforgettable?night.
And the best part is it has the same sexy hush-hush attraction as wearing lingerie??without the strings up your butt!?But just like wearing lingerie, you can fail miserably at making smoking a cigar sexy?? although it is a little harder to fail at doing so. (See Back to Basics: How to smoke a?cigar like a master).